Drinking Healthy Water

The essence of drinking safe healthy water is very vital to a healthy living. According to the United Nation report on Safe Drinking Water,

Access to safe drinking-water is important as a health and development issue at a
national, regional and local level. In some regions, it has been shown that investments in water supply and sanitation can yield a net economic benefit, since the reductions in adverse health effects and health care costs outweigh the costs of undertaking the interventions. This is true for major water supply infrastructure investments through to water treatment in the home. Experience has also shown that interventions in improving access to safe water favour the poor in particular, whether in rural or urban areas, and can be an effective part of poverty alleviation strategies.

In 1983–1984 and in 1993–1997, the World Health Organization (WHO) published
the first and second editions of the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality in three
volumes as successors to previous WHO International Standards. In 1995, the
decision was made to pursue the further development of the Guidelines through a process of rolling revision. This led to the publication of addenda to the second edition of the Guidelines, on chemical and microbial aspects, in 1998, 1999 and 2002; the publication of a text on Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water; and the preparation of expert reviews on key issues preparatory to the development of a third edition of the guideline.

It is on this note that beamaque water is setup to be a productive channel that safe drinking water can be brought to the public at a very healthy competitive cost.

Expect more from this blog post.